Pet Portrait Keepsake Boxes


5 in stock

Photos must be clear and at least 300dpi. Preferably, uploaded files should be .bmp or .tiff. You may also upload .gif, png, .jpg.

(max file size 1 GB)
Cherry Walnut

Please indicate if you would like our flowers and design work to frame your pet
or if you would like the portrait by itself. 1

Add a name and/or a date to be added below portrait.

Please choose one of the fonts for your writing

None Script 1 Script 2 Script 3 Engraver


Box specs:
Exterior = 9″ x 8.5″ x 2.25″
Interior = 8″ x 7.5″ x 2″
Finish = Walnut or Cherry
Send us only digital, high-definition photos, preferably that are HDR (High Dynamic Range) of your pet. Photos should have dynamic contrasting shadows and highlights while avoiding large areas of shadow or glare. Photos must be clear, in focus, and at least 300 dpi. Uploaded files should be .bmp or .tiff. You may also upload .gif, .png, .jpg. We crop your pet’s bust from the photo to be used for the engraving. Then we carefully design, retouch, and process the photo in preparation for laser engraving. No worries about what is in the rest of the photo as it will be cropped out. You may add your pet’s name with our original framework or have the portrait by itself. The laser settings are thoroughly tested to achieve the best engraving effect. You will have not just a photo, but a personalized, one-off, custom art piece full of emotion and memories that can be in your family for generations.
We know how pets are family members that are loved forever. That’s why we offer custom pet keepsake boxes! Perfect for storing photos, old tags, paperwork, and other mementos of your furry buddy in their very own custom box! We laser engrave your pet’s portrait on your choice of a cherry or walnut veneer finished wood box. The engraved photo of your furry family members can be an extremely meaningful, personalized pet gift or just something cool and fun for yourself. The laser engraving renders photo-like details with precision on the wood surface. The box is lined with Spanish Cedar (perfect for humidor usage!), has interlocking hinges, and black felt on the bottom. The box also comes with a free humidifier.

Additional information

Weight 24 oz
Dimensions 9 × 8.5 × 2.25 in

Exterior = 9" x 8.5" x 2.25"
Interior = 8" x 7.5" x 2"


Cherry Wood Finish


Black felt on the bottom


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